Best Practice of Digital Project Management

Importance of Project Management

There is a trend for Project Management (PM) role or job duty in certain job requirements. Why project management is so important?

  • Different stakeholders involved in the project
  • Time management
  • Project process and resource control
  • Run a project smooth needs both soft and hard skills

Beyond the reason why recent job duties need project management experiences, while I will focus on how project management on digital projects going forward.

Digital Project Management Process

First, we need to determine the process when we start a project, so we need to choose for a methodology.

List of project management methodology: Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Kanban

Traditionally, my working experiences start from Waterfall project management process, which is a very classical management method. Waterfall project management involves stages of 1) Research & Analysis (Requirement), 2) Design, 3) Develop, 4) Review & Test, 5) Launch & Maintenance. This process is time-consuming for going from one process to another process, but it is simple and easy to implement.

However, the recognized project management for now, is changing from Waterfall to Agile. Agile is a cycle of the development process, which keeps the process running continuously. It is more flexible and fast compared to Waterfall management.

Next, I will turn into how digital projects react in the real work environment. I will take – Website Revamp as an example. For a Waterfall website revamp project, we will include stages of 1) Review current website and write down issues/ improvements, 2) Research and Benchmarking, 3) Content and site map discussion, 4) Wireframe, 5) Design, 6) Development, 7) UAT & Launch.

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